Two eCommerce Store Mistakes That Drive Visitors Away Instantly

  • eCommerce

  • Published On February 8, 2016

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When it comes to online shopping, it is extremely difficult to provide a delightful shopping experience to all visitors, as the expectations and requirements vary from person to person. As the field of Magento eCommerce development is advancing each day , it can be easy to build an online store. However, knowing the needs of customers and fulfilling expectations of everyone is something that we need to put hands on. Doing hundreds of things to offer excellent user experience is not enough if one important requirement remains unfulfilled. So, if you are willing to provide complete customer satisfaction and if you don’t want visitors to hate your store and go away, you must avoid a few common mistakes when developing your online shopping website.

Two eCommerce store mistakes that drive visitors away instantly

Here are two eCommerce development mistakes to avoid in order not to drive your customers away…


As an eCommerce store owner, you will want to capture as many email ids as possible, as you know it will increase chance of selling to those customers. So, you will want to throw out that pop up and get an email id and add it in your customer information database. However, if you think customer point of view, you will realize how irritating it is to deal with such a pop up. Imagine a window pops up as soon as you visit an online store. You have not even seen any of their products yet. Why would you fill in your mail id there and subscribe? Your visitors feel the same. Half of them will just leave your store and go somewhere else.

The solution to this problem is to allow your visitors to first browse through products and not bombard them with a pop up soon as they visit your store. In fact, it is a good idea to throw the pop up after the third or fourth page that they visit. One good thing about it is that, it will lessen the bounce rate. Moreover, it will now help you get the email addresses of targeted customers, as only people who have seen your products and are interested will enter their email ids, so there is hardly any chance they will unsubscribe you.

However, one good practice about pop up is to keep the close button ‘X’ on the top right corner of the window, as users expect it there the most. This way you are not forcing them to subscribe and giving them chance to get rid of it easily.


When it comes to navigation of your store, it might be just perfect for you. It is easy for you, as you deal with it every day. However, that is not the case with customers. They don’t deal with it as often as you do. Your customers can hate you for complicated navigation.

One of the most common problems faced is because of displaying the most important information in the banners. All the eCommerce merchants think that banners are important and people will know about the latest ongoing things through banners. However, most customers miss banners somehow and start searching for it in search bar and end up getting ‘No results’ as an answer. When visitors try to search for products and they don’t get it, they get frustrated and leave your store.

When you analyze the traffic on your website and you come across a situation wherein you get a lot of visitors, who hop from one page to another, searching for products, but end up leaving store empty-handed, it is time for you to re-design your Magento eCommerce store and get your navigation fixed. Customers will like your store only when they get what they are searching for, easily and quickly!

Now that you are aware of some of the most common mistakes to avoid during build your eCommerce store, it is highly recommendable for you to avoid these mistakes, so that visitors are impressed by the user experience you offer them and they like buying products from your store. Though if you are not satisfied enough, you can ask for Ecommerce development services or ecommerce SEO services from any well-known firm.

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