Just as the Apple App Store is for iPhone apps, Google Play is meant for the Android-based applications. Google Play Store is the best place for the Android app users to connect with the app developers. It is the place where users can find and download millions of apps related to music, games, movies, TV, books and much more. Today, as more and more enterprises are looking for Android apps development to enhance the reach of their business, getting their apps to be found and downloaded by the users has become a very tough job for the developers. Many ios app development company who works better on optimizing App Store Apps . Hence, it is very important to optimize your apps for better Google Play listing after their development. App store optimization can help your Android-based business applications to be easily found in the app store when a user searches with a relevant term or keyword. Below are the top tips that can ensure your business app’s Google Play listing to be optimized for success.
Optimize Your App’s, Title Tag:
The title tag is a really important part of any mobile application development services and it is through the title that users are going to recognize your application. A brief and well-stated title that gives the users a complete idea about your app is necessary to attract users to your application. However, titles of apps in Google Play are restricted to be of only 30 characters. In order to improve your app’s position in the Google Play listing and to make it easily searchable, you need to include one or two widely searched, relevant keywords in your app’s title tag.
Reviews and Ratings are Necessary:
User reviews and ratings play an important role in driving up an app’s position in Google Play Store. If your app has good user reviews and a number of ratings, it is likely to get listed in the top listings of the app store. By getting reputed app reviewers to review your app, you can very well get traffic to your app and user engagement as users usually trust the apps and are likely to download the apps that are reviewed and rated well in the app store.
Attach Good Videos of Your App:
Well illustrated videos showcasing some of the best features of your app can get users to your application. A short 30 to 40 seconds video of your app can have a great impact on the ranking of your app in Google Play Store as more people can view the video of your app through channels like YouTube.
Backlinks from External Sources:
Just like the search engines, Google Play Store also ranks the apps better which manages to get a number of backlinks from external sites or sources. You can opt to link your app from your blog or website or can also recommend your friends and relatives to link your app on their websites or social channels. External linking can have a great impact on listing your Android app in the Google Play Store.
Only expert Android apps developers will have such knowledge of optimizing the app for better listing in Google Play Store. Hence, if you are looking to develop Android apps for your business, better consider getting them developed from an expert company that also provides services for or has knowledge of app store optimization. After all, there’s no use of investing in an app that gets no results for your business or does not attract users to it.
Contact Brainvire a leading Android development company for customize android app development services.
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