Joomla Struggles With WordPress & Drupal To Hold Its Position

  • Best Web Development and Design Blogs

  • Published On August 27, 2013

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Joomla!, a widely known open source CMS (Content Management System) has been a backbone for many of the popular websites, including MTV, Harvard University, The Hill and more, across the world. There is no denying that millions of Joomla developers and businesses across the world entrust Joomla platform and have deep concerns about this classic CMS.

According w3Techs, Joomla is used by 9.7% of all websites whose content management system we know. It has been downloaded at every 2.5 seconds and its community of developers is innovating new extensions and templates every now and then. However, these days developers or people prefer other CMS or platforms for their web development ventures.So, what’s wrong with Joomla web development? Why people are loosing interest from it? Is it true that Joomla is loosing its charm? Let’s find it out!

The comparison is KILLING the popularity of Joomla!

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, Joomla has always been compared with other popular content management systems like WordPress and Joomla. Of course, these two CMSs are freely available and brings a lot of features for the developers as well as for the end users, but that doesn’t mean Joomla is not as good as these two platforms. All three have the same ability to deliver high quality, reliable and robust applications.

[Also Read: A Comprehensive Guide to Discover WordPress Accessibility]

If you’ll ask someone to say a few words about these three CMSs, then you will find some of the most common statements like:

  • WordPress ” A great platform for blogging as well as for the personal websites. Quite simple in nature, but less suitable for developing complex applications.”
  • Drupal “Needs clear technical fundamentals and a huge learning curve, but delivers more extensible frameworks that easily scales out. More suitable for technically sound person.”
  • Joomla “It is somewhere between WordPress and Drupal.”

The above statements may not be true. However, we can figure out from the above statements that Joomla is neither easy nor only for techie person. If we follow the Google Trends, it clearly shows that Joomla has seen a great rise during the year 2007, 2009 and 2011. However, since past few years, it is clearly seen that the popularity has been divided between WordPress and Drupal. Have a look at the figure below.

joomla developer

Moreover, Joomla add-ins are getting more commercial rather than functional, which at the end shows the lack of quality extensions for the Joomla and Magento web development. This is pulling down the popularity of Joomla.

[Also Read: The WordPress REST API: The Definitive Guide]

So, is it the start of fall for Joomla? Well, it may not be the downfall as enterprises world is still leveraging from Joomla. Of course, figures and statistics are not in favor of Joomla, but that doesn’t mean it is of no use now. It has been affected by WordPress and Drupal, but still we never know!

Though WordPress provides unlimited functionality the users can still hire WordPress development company if they want some specific functionality to be developed for their website. They also hire worpress developer as reputed company for WordPress Development Services.

What’s your take on this? Do you really think Joomla is loosing its charm? Share your views in the comments…!

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